The ICWCSD is currently in the process of applying for grant money from The USDA. The proposed project includes the replacement of seven fire hydrants, forty two isolation valves in the distribution system, one new section of water main and the replacement of two existing sections of water main to improve fire flow. The grant application process is laborious and time consuming, having started in January of 2018. The USDA offers grants and low interest loans that typically take thirty to forty years to pay off. They sometimes offer a combination of grant and loan. The ICWCSD Board of Directors decided unanimously that it would be unwise for the District to accept a loan. We are hopeful that the application process is nearing an end and that we will be successful in securing a significant amount of grant money to fund this ambitious renovation project. If we are not successful there is an alternate plan in place to complete the most important parts of the proposed project. Stay tuned for updates.