Consumer confidence Report 2019
May 13, 2020
The 2019 Consumer Confidence Report (CCR) is now available for viewing on the ICWCSD website in the Water Quality report section. The CCR is required to be sent to all district customers by July 1st each year. This report is required by the State Water Resources Control Board and the Federal Environmental Protection Agency. The report lists all constituents exceeding the reportable limit in our water that have been detected by laboratory analysis. The results of this laboratory analysis again show that we have exceptionally high quality water. This is primarily attributable to our geographic location at the base of the Sierras and the aquifer system that brings our water to us.
This year we are again suffering through drought conditions that will require all District customers to be mindful of their water usage and to use common sense measures to conserve water. Suggestons for water conservation measures can be found on the website.